Privacy Policy and Confidentiality of Information:

Welcome to Travelease and thank you for your trust.Traveleaseseeks to preserve user information in accordance with the privacy policy and confidentiality of the information in force in the store.

The following is an explanation of the privacy policy and confidentiality of the information under which your information will be dealt with:

  1. What is the nature of the information obtained by Travelease and kept in its database?
  2. User’s personal information, such as name, age and e-mail.
  3. User-specific personal access information, such as username, password and e-mail, and the question of password retrieval and response.
  4. The nature of the platform may impose certain “cookies” for the purpose of facilitating the relationship between the store and the user.
  5. Does Travelease share this information?
  6. The Traveleasestore keeps the information with the assurance that it is used to improve the quality of the store services and its relationship with its users.
  7. In general, only the Travelease’s team in chargehas access to the information, and they are not allowed to publish it or share it with others.
  8. The Travelease store seeks to maintain the integrity of user information. Thus, if the store notices any irregular or illegal activity by the user, then the store may inform the competent authorities if the need arises.
  9. How secure is the information collected by Travelease?

The Traveleasestore shall maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the user information and shall not breach the provisions of these rules and policies. However, given that Travelease is an online store and operates through theInternet, security challenges might arise. Accordingly, the storenotes the following:

  1. The Traveleasestore seeks to preserve the confidentiality and privacy of all user-specific information and not to be accessed by anyone in breach of the policy of the store.
  2. We work in Traveleaseto protect the users’ information through “specific servers” protected under online protection systems.
  3. Given that security on the Internet cannot be guaranteed because of possible penetrations or viruses on the online protection systems and on the protection of walls, the store advises users to keep their information confidential and not to disclose or share any information that the user considers very important to them.
  4. Is there a third party in the relationship between Travelease and the user?

The privacy policy is determined by the third party in cases where a third-party intervention is needed such as marketers, technicians or any other person in a technical relationship with the store.